Are you a Home Inspector in the Western New York Area? If you are concerned with providing a quality unbiased professional home inspection to your clients, then the WNY Alliance of Home Inspectors is the place for you! Our meeting are held the second Thursday of every month at 6:30pm – Sean Patrick’s 3480 Millersport Hwy. Amherst NY & Live Streamed.
Membership Benefits
- Technical training or business related information at every meeting
- Collective marketing for all members
- Round Table discussions with seasoned home inspectors
- We have a Social Media Coordinator
- We have a social media presence; Facebook, Linked In, Instagram, Twitter
- Web site presence with members information and “hot links” to their websites, Facebook Page, or contact information
- Meeting are held at Sean Patrick’s Restaurant – 3480 Millersport Hwy. Amherst NY. One of Buffalo’s premier restaurants
- Annual picnic with related professionals and family members
- Annual Holiday Party with family members
- Annual Networking Extravaganza with industry related professionals
- Many other functions that will enhance your business and personal life
- Annual dues are $150 (a one time $25 initiation fee for new members)
- Contact any member for more information, or come to a meeting!